Liam Lawless (
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 18:22:14 +0000
I'm planning some tests on specially-made negs and intend to post a summary of the results in two or three days. Apart from the step wedge, I've only played with a few reject negs so far, but my processing sequence following redevelopment is as follows:
1. Wash, running water from cold tap, about 5 mins.
2. Non-hardening fix, about 2 mins (only because I have no hardening fix on hand).
3. Wash about 10 mins.
4. Hardening in 4% glyoxal, about 3 mins.
5. Wash, about 3 mins.
6. Final rinse with wetting agent & dry.
I'm not particularly fussy about times or temperatures for the above because there doesn't seem to be any need to be. After all this, bleach and redevelop consists of:
1. Water pre-soak, about 2 mins.
2. Bleach completely in ferricyanide/bromide (28g pot. ferri. + 24g pot. brom. to 1 litre).
3. Wash about 5 mins.
4. Redevelop in normal strength PMK, 15 mins. at 20 deg. C.
5. Wash about 5 mins.
6. Fix about 2 mins.
7. Optional 5 min. wash followed by 2 min. developer afterbath (which I don't think is worth bothering
with on APH).
8. 10 min. final wash, wetting agent, etc.
Fixing is optional since both the redevelopment stages should leave no undeveloped halide, but I prefer to include a fix as a precaution. And hardening after PMK should not be necessary.
Well, that's what I did. I've made a set of 5X7 negs of different densities on APH and last night made a Pd print from the "normal" neg. The print is lovely and I doubt if it can be improved upon very much, but what I'm doing next is to bleach and redevelop the other negs in PMK and non-staining pyro to see what happens to the densities, and how they print. Results should be posted by Saturday at the latest.
Hope this works for you and that the difference isn't due to something in the water...
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