Jonathan C Hall (
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 18:39:58 -0800
Of course you have to gaurantee that you will reprint any and all prints that
fade after a few years in order to sell them unless of course you are just
trying to make a fast buck. wrote:
> I have seen the term "Archival" applied to a number of printers and
> materials, but I doubt if you can find any manufacturer that would
> guarantee and put into writing that their inks will last. If you have the
> digital files, it does not matter how long the inks last.
> When I think of archival, I am thinking in terms of at least 100 years. I
> think we will have far better technology 100 years from now - actually, I
> think far better technology will be with us in just a few years.
> RM
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