Sat, 30 Jan 1999 19:46:02 -0500 (EST)
In a message dated 1/30/99, PM 06:22:58, writes:
<<You have a basic mis-understanding of what PMK processing is capable of. By
focusing on adjacency effects you are misleading your self in your
investigation. The adjacency effects is but one aspect of using PMK, an
important one with miniature format films.
While I have mentioned in the past that English is not my first language, I
think many of us are having problem reading messages properly.
I did not say that by achieving adjacency effects, it proves that the print is
compatable to a print made from pyro negative. Adjacency effect is in *itself*
interesting and useful and enhance apparent sharpness of a print, so I am
going to do that. Since I don't have pyro on hand, I am just going to use an
ordinary developer to get that result. That's all what I said about the tests
that I am going to do.
>> Do what Sandy suggests because otherwise you never be able to make a valid
I will do that when I have the time and enough interest because that's the
only way to make a comparison. Do you think I am going to compare a negative
from a regular negative and a blank or vaccum? Or do you think I am going to
just make a few prints with D76-developed negatives and then make comparison,
arugments, theories about pyro negative without seeing one? Come on guys, I
might not be the smartest person in the world, but I am not a complete fool
The reason that I asked on the list is because we all have limited time, so I
thought I would ask as much as possible before going with my tests, if indeed
I chose to test, as I have many other tests in mind. But since it sounds like
I truly have asked enough and cannot get any more information from the list,
this is probably the last time I ask about pyro (on this list).
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