William Laven (wmlaven@platinotype.com)
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 17:38:32 -0800 (PST)
>I use potassium dichromate, and have used it in the coating "soup", and
>developers (both potassium oxalate and ammonium citrate). It works with
>ammonium citrate similar to potassium oxalate.
That's interesting to hear since all the literature I've seen says it works
with Potassium Oxalate only. I never tried it with Ammonium Citrate since I
prefer PO as a developer and once used H202 w/AC developer just fine.
There are some noticible
>differences whether it is used in the "soup" or the developer; not as to
>contrast control (that's about the same) but in varrious qualities of
>the image.
I use mine in the developer, but am ibterested in seeing these differences
when used in the "soup." What are some of the differences you see in your
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