Sat, 30 Jan 1999 21:10:28 -0500
>I myself have always assumed that eyeglasses give the
>protection stated for glass. But I do use a pair of supposedly UV-proof
>goggles (bought from American Science & Surplus for $4) for extended
>burning or dodging. It occurs to me in light of your story about false
>claims to test them -- I thought of putting them on top of an emulsion and
>exposing, to see the difference. Any comments?
I did not follow this thread, so I don't know specific source of UV you
are discussing, BUT I think anybody using UV light should be extremely
careful. Let's not forget that some readers on this list may start using
carbon arc burners without protection. If eyeglasses were sufficient to
protect from UV light, welders would not have to wear welding masks and
the rest of their halloween costumes. I used to work in a printing
company where we had NuArc burners. Not only the light was dangerous, but
the fumes were toxic. If you have the option of leaving the area when UV
light is burning plates - do so.
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