Steve Shapiro (
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 15:21:34 -0800
Subject: Re: Quasi "alt" question re:8x10 cameras
>I have to disagree, Steve. I've seen a few examples of EW's work in real
>and plenty reproduced (well) in publications, and I think the fact the EW's
>prints surpass his materials, equipment and income show that great photos
>from the photographer.
I heartly agree, and that's what I implied, you said first. His photography
inspired modern photographers and provided that impetus for manufacturers to
provide the rest of us with modern materials that match his proven abilities
and capabilities of the medium.
>I think his prints are wonderful, and I don't "see" the
>poor quality materials or other limitations you note.
In the real, much of his landscapes' dark areas of shadow, negative space
was blocked up by his being limited to a Rectlinear when he wanted a Rapid
Rectilinear lens; he wanted the old Dansonville paper when all he had was
that cheap Oriental Seagull.
He had his problems, and when my photographs were accepted by the Carmel
Library, the librarianbrought out the EW collection they have and I was
surprised to see how blocked up his shadows and fogged were his highlights.
>IAC, no one should start out thinking that money is a limitation on their
>ability to create.
On that last point, I can not agree more.
>Steve Shapiro
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