Re: Budget scanning???

Andrea Zalme (
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 23:56:31 -0700

Greetings all:

It is possible to do. I was rather skeptical at first but thought I would
try it. I must admit that worked somewhat better than I expected it to.
Although both Herold and Keith are correct and it just depends on
what compromises you are willing to make. If you have a scanner and a light
box, it may just make sense to use this method until you can justify the
hundreds of dollars it would take to purchase a transparency adapter.

Andrea Z.

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: January 30, 1999 6:06 PM
Subject: Budget scanning???

>Hi folks,
>Is it possible to use a normal flatbed scanner with an inverted lightbox
>top (which most of us have already) to scan 4x5 negs? Has anyone tried it?
>I'd do the experiment, but I haven't bought a scanner yet.

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