Exhibitions in Amsterdam

Cor Breukel (cor@ruly46.medfac.leidenuniv.nl)
Mon, 01 Feb 1999 12:00:47 +0100 (MET)

Exhibitions in Amsterdam

For those who happen to visit Amsterdam soon I can recommend a fine
exhibition in the "Rijksmuseum" , a must anyway on your agenda, let alone
for the Nachtwacht by Rembrandt van Rijn. Until the 14th of March there is
a quite large set of saltprints and a few Dagguereotypes on display. They
were taken by one of the fist Dutch photographers: Isaac Asser. He was a
wealthy person who bought a complete Dagguere set in Paris around 1842. He
first made a few Daggeureotypes, and switched quickly to colloid glass
plate negatives and gold-toned salt prints. This is an unique opportunity
to see this fine work. His photographs were fixed in Albums, and is only
now that these albums are taken apart for restoration and conservation.
After this worthwhile exhibition the images will be assembled again in
albums. This exhibition is on display until 14th of March, Rijksmuseum,

Should you happen to be visiting Amsterdam this week; do not miss the
small exhibition of mostly photogravures from "Camera works" the famous
journal run by Stieglitz in the 20 ties (?) with work of Stieglitz,
Steigen, Strand, Kasebier, Keuhn and others. Only until the 7th of
February. In the Stedelijk Museum also in Amsterdam.

Cor Breukel

"The Infrared Gallery"

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