Re: Alt and The government

Domenick Mirando (
Sun, 14 Feb 1999 15:29:33 -0500 (EST)

I have just read that sodium sulfite/sulphite is used as a food preservative,
in bleaching and in photography....but...

...I also read in Richard Farbers' "Historic Photographic Processes" that
when "mixed with water or acid, or when heated, it releases toxic sulfur
dioxide gas" ^^^^^

I can avoid acid and heating but water would be impossible! <G>

So...if I may ask Hal again or anyone else who uses/used sodium sulfite,
how much gas is given off immediatly when mixed with water?

If it is a gradual problem, since it will be on its way
out of the studio...or no problem if it is just a minor smelling thing.
However, if its nasty and overpowering, then I'll have to add it outside.

Is there anything else that would do the job or should I just not worry
about it?



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