Keith Schreiber (
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 23:11:46 -0700
Why be conventional? Why do as you're told? ::)
I've seen several different edge treatments on gum prints (and other media,
too) and all of them can be effective.
I work mostly in palladium. Sometimes I mask my edges, sometimes not.
Sometimes I coat with a brusk, sometimes with a rod. Sometimes I add some
platinum or use a different paper or .... Mostly I try to be consistent
with these and other choices within a body of work, but if there is a piece
that needs a different treatment then I give it what it needs.
So many rules to be broken!
Keith Schreiber
Jim Boyd wrote:
>I have a question that has always puzzled me, and that is; what is the
>conventional thinking or opinion regarding print edges? I've seen
>professional prints that show the pigment brushstroke in the border as
>if the paper were not completely sized and had penetrated the paper
>fibre. Some of the illustrations in books show this. I have always
>been told to concentrate on clean edges.
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