Sat, 20 Feb 1999 13:05:47 -0500 (EST)
Carl wrote:
> This slightly more
> complicated formula works perfectly in the Jobo. A liter of solution
> handles 5 8x10's with ease, in a single bath with a time of 6-8 minutes
> depending on which film you are using. Fog is very low, stain is
> excellent, consistency is great.
I agree completely! I use Rollo for 8x10s in a Jobo Expert drum turned on a
beseler motor base. I also use 1 liter for 5 8x10 as Carl suggests. When I
use HP5+ and work in relatively soft light, I find I need 9 or 10 minutes.
FP4 is usually 6 to 7 minutes and Tri-X at 8 or 9 minutes.
I process 7x17 negs in home-made ABS tubes also rotated on motor bases. Each
tube is 3" diameter by about 20 inches long. I use 500 ml of Rollo per sheet
of 7x17.
Tastes great and is less filling!
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