Re: Reversal process -a speculation

jewelia (
Sun, 21 Feb 1999 13:07:13 -0800

now that you've mentioned it--Agfa N31p Gevatone has always been one of my
favorites and it can be hard to find and expensive--freestyle was carrying
it--not sure that they do--i've called and talked with agfa reps about it on
several occasions and for years they've been swearing they haven't made it
for years and are out of the copy film business pretty much entirely--then i
see someone has some for sale and buy what i can--but can never afford to
really stock up

does anybody know where this stuff comes from? and 2) i've since the
continuous tone arista for sale from freestyle which is pretty much in the
same expensive ball park as N31--can anyone compare these two films--is
aristatone sort of equivalent as claimed or its own sort of creature?

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