Re: a little more on sufite papers
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 12:21:28 -0700

>>I read about this some 15 years ago in a conservation journal. It is a

Not completely a myth I have read in a number of publications relating to
Mummies and the culture that produced them, that irreplaceable information
about the history of Mummies, the culture that preserved bodies in this
way; that many were sacrificed for reasons having nothing to do with
archeology. Medicine production, Casting spells and, yes, paper making were
the end result of the wholesale distraction of these remains.

2 asides: The group KISS created a special comic book in which they each
added their blood to the ink used to print the special editions. The
creator of Superman(?) was cremated and had his ashes added to either the
ink or the paper as well.


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