Re: Fwd: Re: Re: A modest proposal -- the imp. signature

Carl Weese (
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 15:01:46 -0500


It's certainly true that many Big Name photographers never print their
own work in either regular silver or color media or in alt process. But
the notion that a "good zone system photographer" prints on some sort of
auto-pilot is false. Even if a negative is technically perfect and is to
be printed in silver, printing is a feedback process for
photographer/printmakers who uses it that way. I have to print my own
negatives--even though they are quite consistent--because I can't
possibly tell someone else how I'd want them printed. I have to see it
to know what I want, and the really subtle interpretations are the most
important ones.

It's possible for a printer to do wonderful work with a photographer but
it's then a form of collaboration as some others have pointed out here.
And of course if it's really just a photographer's celebrity that's
driving print sales, the prints can be pretty dreadful (whoever did the
printing) without affecting the market. C'est la vie.


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