Re: Scales and balances

Ken Sinclair (
Tue, 02 Mar 1999 09:23:39 -0600

Hi all

I was in need of some weights to "fill in" on the lower end of my set of
I purchased a "similar" set of scales on e-bay a couple of months ago.

The beam is stamped "Made in India" and the number "509". In checking the
values of the weights on two of my triple beam balances, I found that the
20g weight was actually 18.32g, the 10g weights 8.92 and 8.83g resp., the
5g weight at 4.6g., the 2g weights at 1.6 and 1.68g. The only weight that
was accurate is the 1g.

I did not measure for the accuracy of the mg. weights

In all, not quite as close as I had hoped they would be, or as accurate as
I feel I want/need. In trying to measure less than 15g samples, the
friction at the fulcrum seems to interfere with accuracy.

I guess that's the penalty of wanting/expecting a Mercedes for the price of
a VW.

>>It's a dual-pan scale, seems to fit range of 5mg-50g, brass, w/ weight set.


[||/\/\/\/\/\/\|| Ken Sinclair RBP,FBPA
[|| ||-| Applied Photographic Services
[|| || | Lethbridge,
[|| || | Alberta, Canada,
[|| ||-| (403) 381-1654.
|__________________ |

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