Re: film emulsion formulas

Eugene Robkin (
Thu, 04 Mar 1999 09:59:30 -0600


Holmes mode on:

I am pretty sure that the source for your emulsion formulas is one of the
editions of Wall's Dictionary of Photography. The style and the type face
match pretty well. Especially the parts at the end of a section where it
says (See XXXXXX) and the page numbers. Also the page numbers in my 1931
12th edition are in the right range.

A few minor items in your text indicates that it came from a later edition.

Holmes mode off:


At 08:38 PM 3/3/99 +1300, you wrote:
>I have a 400K zip file giving the instruction on how to make emulsions for
>b/w. It is taken from an old dictionary. Unfortunately the OCR is a little
>too painful to correct, so it just has to the gifs for your own printing.
>Let me know if you want it.
>Kevin O'Brien

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