Steve Shapiro (
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 19:32:00 -0800
>Liam's suggestion of using filter in lowering contrast is an interesting
>although I can't seem to think theoretically whether it will work or not.
Yeah, it works. Just another way to saddle the burro.
In the begining we used the 47 blue and 81 Green. (Or was it 41 and 87 ...
I'll have to go look in my filter drawer) Then came dircroacs -- spelling
? -- and now Ilford came back with the blue green lights in their enlargers
that adjust these two colored halogens with intensity for the dialing in of
various grades, desired.
Sure, you slow the light with color correction. Try six filters ... CYM AND
RGB, do whatever comes to mind.
On a serious note to that, we, in the commercial lab used a Durst
subtractive computer-head system that allowed us to add red to the print, or
subtract yellow and megenta. Either way, whatever your mind's gear was in
at that time ... it worked.
What are we trying to achieve here? On film or paper. The emulsion must
have some sort of sensitivity to this or all your might be doing is opening
or closing the diaphram.
That's how most of us saddle the burro.
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