Re: the shape of alt photography & the list & the movie pecker

jewelia (
Sun, 07 Mar 1999 16:27:53 -0800

Jewelia.......Thanks for the rather long and rambling post about linear
programming, space time, relativity, the space or volume that is the
definition of what ALT photography is, quarks, the end of physics and on
and on and on and God help us, on and on and on.... I knew if anyone on
this list could expertly and precisely define the above and the movie
pecker as pertaining to alternative photography... YOU certainly could.
almost five pages of big words, and lofty explanations and thank God you
were here.

The fact of the matter is you know nothing valuable. All you do is ramble
on and on about things that make no sense whatsoever. There are so many
contradictions in the long post you made that I am still laughing.

The fact is that you do not know what you are talking about and you try to
adapt some of the clap trap you posted to fit your ideas. Please do not do
that, leave the thinking to those who can.

Stop trying to "Impress (SIC) everyone, it ain't happening. I resisted the
urge to send this to the list, so I am sending it to you privately. Please,
take your Thesaurus and get the hell out. I for one do not want to listen
to your BS - incorrect and out of place by the way, because I HATE
Pretenders. Big words and a load after load of crap strung together in
sentences that you think make sense, annoys the hell out of me. I have ran
into people like you all over the field of higher education and we are
seeing to it that it goes away. Sometimes the question is a simple one and
does not need a load of crap to define it. ALT Photography can be easily
defined if you also ask Alternative to what? You cant say something is
Alternative unless you also have a baseline to compare.

You are not without your followers, I will admit, and they seem to be as
uneducated as you seem to be. You make be ill and I will not listen to you.
I sense that you think yourself to be sensitive...well I hope you are
crying, as I am laughing at you, the most pompous and foolish person I have
ever met. On or off a mailing list.

Suffer your personal Hell,


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