Judy Seigel (jseigel@panix.com)
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 17:55:04 -0500 (EST)
On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Joe Portale wrote:
> yes, silver nitrate kept out of light and humdity is very stable. I also
> think that it is easier and cheaper in the long run to buy silver oxide
> than make it. I made silver nitrate once. It was not a nice experience.
*Easier* for sure to buy the silver oxide, but, unless you count
collateral damage, how could it be *cheaper*?
At $147/lb, that's not quite $9 /ounce, or 30 cents a gram (did I figure
that right -- $9 divided by 29???). Then wouldn't the silver oxide amount
to a greater weight than the silver nitrate you started with, because
oxide is *added*? Or does oxidizing take away weight? (I had chemistry in
the 10th grade, & they hardly had the periodic table then. )
> Silver nitrate when used in the right dilution is an antiseptic. The silver
> nitrate content is something like in the parts per thousand for medicinal
> use. The syphillis idea is sort of correct, probably the most common reason
> during the post WWII years with all the returning vets. Silver nitrate
> compounds are still used as a topical antiseptic today.
Well, I AM a post-WW I baby, not exactly post WW-II. But thanks anyway,
you're a prince !
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