Re: Crane's paper for Pt/Pd (fwd)

Carl Weese (
Thu, 11 Mar 1999 08:57:42 -0500

RE: paper for Pt/Pd.

"Crest natural white" is probably not the Cranes paper aka
"Platinotype". It may be a similar paper sometimes called "white
Platinotype" but this stuff does *not* act like the same paper with a
whiter base: its printing characteristics are quite different and,
generally, inferior. It's a little hard to pin them down on the right
"trade name" for Platinotype (I've heard artificial parchment, and
business-card-stock, and others) but you can get the right material from
either Photographers Formulary or Bostick & Sullivan. And for students
on a budget, you can instead use a paper called Rising Bristol 2 ply
Plate, available from Daniel Smith for significantly less money. I've
just tested it and it works beautifully. It is described as an "acid
free sulfite" paper which *may* mean that it is less permanent than an
all cotton sheet, but it sure makes sense to learn on it. I've just
ordered a bunch and plan to use it in some of my work, especially when
teaching or for "first look" prints from new negs.


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