Sat, 13 Mar 1999 12:50:52 -0500 (EST)
I wrote:
> For that he is ridiculed??...
Then writes:
>> Not so, not so. Maybe you should reread my post
I am amazed at how disingenuous this statement is. This is what I was
referring to:
> Andy, have you ever printed a pt/Pd print?
> Andy, what makes you seem to think that Pt/Pd will behave like Van Dyke
> Brown?
> Andy, what makes you think Stonehenge will work for Pt/Pd?
> Andy, what makes you think Stonehenge will clear or wash well with the
> Pt/Pd process?
> Andy, YOU spend the
> time to study this and report back when YOU have documented answers
If this is not ridicule, then I don't know what it is...
More Stonehenge Info:
Eric and Judy - I purchased my Stonehenge last summer from Daniel Smith, so I
don't know if this was "old" or "new" Stonehenge. Another friend of mine just
got some at an art store in Los Angeles. It's working great for him with
pt/pd. I have not seen any of the large "sizing bubbles" that you mentioned.
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