Re: replenishing dichromate for pt developer
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 16:03:07 -0700

>>Has anyone had this problem or explored replenishing the
>>dichromate? Does it wear out? Thanks.

I have never replenished this type of material. I prefer to mix it fresh.
The problem I have with any form of replenishment is in how replenishers
for developers work. A common problem some people make is in simply adding
more stock solution to exhausted developers.

This is not replenishment in that replenishers are specifically designed
for specific developers. DK-50 developer is one I constantly replenished in
a deep tank dip and dunk line. I also used deep tanks and Ethol, which was
replenished with Ethol Replenisher as volume was lost.

I also think that some materials, if 'replenished' by simply adding
additional fresh chemicals to bring up the volume leads to inconsistent
results. I think you would require an altogether different material if you
were interested in true replenishment.


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