Re: Built UV Light Source

Brian Ellis (
Tue, 23 Mar 1999 09:00:45 -0500

Re only the ends of the lights coming on: this is so basic that I won't post it to
the group but are you sure the lights have been properly inserted in the sockets at
the ends of the fixtures? When I install florescent lights in my home, in some
pretty hard to reach places, only the ends will light if I haven't got the end of
the bulb in the fixture properly. Brian

William Laven wrote:

> >Hello all especially any electrical minded people out there.
> >
> >I built a UV light source using the plans out of Dick Sullivan and Carl
> >Weese's
> >new book. I changed the lamps specified in the book from 20 watt to 30 watt.
> >Consequently when I went to several suppliers I could not find the type of
> >ballast specified in the book for a 30 watt. They showed me one that would do
> >the job for the 30 what bulbs I have. They are "preheat ballasts" not trigger
> >start. I need to know how to kick my lights on. Do I need starters? If so
> >anyone care to draw a diagram mentally or otherwise to explain how I might
> >tackle this problem.
> You should be able to find ballasts that work. You can always use ballasts
> that put out a little more power than the bulb wattage; you'll get more
> light and slightly shorter bulb life. Some bulbs are designed to work that
> way; my 40watt Super Actinics are designed to take up to 65watts of power.
> Try 40watt instant-on ballasts for example for your 30 watt bulbs.
> >
> >The ends of the tubes light but it does not completely light unless I rotate
> >lamp in socket till it is "loose" meaning ready to come out. Could a bad
> >ground be problem?
> Sounds strange. What do you mean by the ends of the tubes. The inch closest
> to the tubes end will always be dimmer; that's natural. You should figure
> your printing area is the bulb length minus two inches to account for the
> dimly lit ends. If by ends you mean more than an inch, somethings goofy.
> >
> >Any help would be much appreciated as I would like to use this new light
> >box in
> >an upcoming workshop.
> > Thank you all for any help on
> >this matter.
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