David Michael Kennedy (david@davidmichaelkennedy.com)
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 23:03:40 -0700
First off if you only reply to the list then I won't get two emails in my
mail box from you. Secondly you sent copies of your reply to all the people
listed below who are not on the list. Was that necessary? Thirdly as a
photographer maybe you might find something other than alt processes of
interest. I am really sorry I wasted your time with this and just won't
post any information to the list in fear that it might upset someone's
delicate sensibilities. I do apologizes to all. I have no affiliation
with these people other than I found things of interest in their newsletter
and thought I would share it with the list. Again I apologizes for being
so stupid.
-----Original Message-----
From: MMagid3005@aol.com <MMagid3005@aol.com>
To: david@davidmichaelkennedy.com <david@davidmichaelkennedy.com>;
wizard@laplaza.org <wizard@laplaza.org>
Cc: alt-photo-process-l@skyway.usask.ca
<alt-photo-process-l@skyway.usask.ca>; WCoupon@compuserve.com
<WCoupon@compuserve.com>; cjweese@wtco.net <cjweese@wtco.net>;
jseigel@panix.com <jseigel@panix.com>; SBennett@nw.org <SBennett@nw.org>;
ryoung@la.unm.edu <ryoung@la.unm.edu>; SFWORKSHOP@aol.com
<SFWORKSHOP@aol.com>; mnorberg@bitstream.net <mnorberg@bitstream.net>;
tomgreto@netmeg.net <tomgreto@netmeg.net>; moritz@foxvalley.net
<moritz@foxvalley.net>; MS98photo@aol.com <MS98photo@aol.com>;
vicmilt@bestweb.net <vicmilt@bestweb.net>; meansbiz@flash.net
<meansbiz@flash.net>; photogs@fox.nstn.ca <photogs@fox.nstn.ca>;
sallopes@earthlink.net <sallopes@earthlink.net>; pachamama@roadrunner.com
<pachamama@roadrunner.com>; Tgh010151@aol.com <Tgh010151@aol.com>;
holtsg@duke.usask.ca <holtsg@duke.usask.ca>; glaughter@earthlink.net
<glaughter@earthlink.net>; flip@eskimo.com <flip@eskimo.com>;
dtaffet@att.net <dtaffet@att.net>; THEmag1@aol.com <THEmag1@aol.com>;
CORBELL1@aol.com <CORBELL1@aol.com>; IFIXFXS@aol.com <IFIXFXS@aol.com>;
DanPhoto@aol.com <DanPhoto@aol.com>
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 9:40 PM
>Maybe I missed something . . . . Not a word of this had anything to do with
>"alt-photo-processes". Looks like a commercial interlude.
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