Re: toning formulas in book

William Laven (
Fri, 09 Apr 1999 17:40:30 -0700 (PDT)

>..well if you copper or iron tone you form a coloured pigment at the
>expense of the metalic silver, so there isn't much left to protect with
>either selenium or sulphide toning, these formed pigments are (much?) less
>stable than the metalic silver (info from an article generously provided
>by Richard Knoppow). You can first (slightly) tone with selenium
>(protecting the shadow parts) or Thiourea (protecting the highlights) and
>tone secondly with copper or iron or both (but this still leaves you with
>a less stable pigment), but the effects can be quite interesting..

I don't know what techniques Emmet Gowin used on his aerial photos of
mining operations, but I know he used come exotic toners including copper.
The prints are gorgeous; they're silver. If anyone knows more of his
techniques, please share it. And if you ever get a chance to see the work
in person, by all means do.

                           WILLIAM LAVEN PHOTOGRAPHY

   Workshops and tutorials in Platinum/Palladium printing and Zone System.

   1931 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107
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