Steve Shapiro (
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 09:00:52 -0700
Thevery w9ord, Dagor, runs sable brush strokes up my wrists and weighs my
hand like it was there. I shoot with a 12" Dagor and recently did a 15
minuteexposure, owrried that I didn't compensate for reciprocity and then
found my worries were fruitless.
In the end, you could walk into the scene. Lens set at F 64 with a
flashlight for fill, inside and lit with tungston light, filtered for the
outside light as I was using tungston based Ektchrome it was magnificently
thought out and fell into place like a puzzle, dropped from waist level and
falling together to form a perfect picture.
Digital? To me it looks like a magazine photo, at best.
Steve Shapiro, Carmel, CA
'the dude abides'
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