Brian Ellis (
Tue, 11 May 1999 14:35:34 -0400
If you don't feel like mixing your own cleaner you might try a product
sold by Light Impressions (and probably others) called "Photo Finish."
It's a kind of soap-like substance that can be used to clean almost
anything in the darkroom, including trays. I forget how much it costs
but I bought one relatively small container about four years ago and its
still about a third full. It seems to work well. Brian
Chris Stone wrote:
> Does anyone happen to have a formula for making an effective tray
> cleaner? I seem to recall there was a formula in the last issue of PF
> Journal. Since I've loaned that issue out--and it seems as likely to
> return as the tools I loaned my neighbor last month--I'd be grateful
> for suggestions. Much thanks.-- Matthew Hoffman
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