Eduardo Benavidez (
Mon, 17 May 1999 19:32:44 -0300
Yes, the hardeners in the fixer affect the ability of a toner. If you plan to
tone a print, simply fix it in a non hardener fixer. when the print was already
fixed in a hardener fixer, simply fix it again but in a non hardener fixer, tone
and so.
garimo escribió:
> >Sorry for jumping in but I've used Nelson Gold toner as sold by the
> >Photographers Formulary and Art Craft.
> >
> >With both suppliers I had no problems achieving a very nice warm tone with
> What about hardners in the paper fix?? will that not affect and limit
> the ability of a toner to do it's thing?
> garimo
> >Ilford Multigrade III FB, Multigrade IV FB, and Forte FB VC. I simply
> >followed directions. There is also a method of replenishment that works
> >very well that can be found in the darkroom cookbook.
> >
> >I guess this should be directed to Andy Buck not Jonathan Bailey, sorry you
> >are having problems Andy as this can be a beautiful delicate toner for
> >certain images. It is very important to maintain a 110F temperature of the
> >toner. Its a bit cumbersome for large prints but I simply use a water bath
> >that I place the toning tray in.
> >
> >Hope this helps.
> >
> >Don Bryant
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