Re: Re: Re: Re: Calibrating output (digital) (fwd)
Sun, 23 May 1999 17:42:45 -0400 (EDT)

<<I have no desire to get into a debate here -- I've been down that path
too many times and I'm a bit weary of it. Let me put it this way...

I didn't intend to debate either. Sorry if my mail sounded that way.

>> Light of some intensity was getting
through those "opaque" dots and influencing the optical density
measurement, but NOT affecting the % dot measurement. Perhaps the
densitometer (a nice X-Rite model) has a different measurement mechanism
for measuring % dot -- a different cut-off threshold perhaps.
Regardless, the nice, theoretical relationship you describe between % dot
and optical density did not hold true in the real world.>>

I wasn't trying to say you were wrong, but I was just extremely curious. What
I described was not even theory but simply definition. How can a patch/step
that passed through 60% light, for example measure 50% dot?

Would you be willing to send me a output step tablet? I am just interested in
studying it, not for arguments or debates. If it is not possible, I
understand too.

Dave S

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