Beakman (
Sun, 23 May 1999 15:58:04 -0700 (PDT)
> I wasn't trying to say you were wrong, but I was just extremely curious. What
> I described was not even theory but simply definition. How can a patch/step
> that passed through 60% light, for example measure 50% dot?
> Would you be willing to send me a output step tablet? I am just interested in
> studying it, not for arguments or debates. If it is not possible, I
> understand too.
Yes, I will send you something but you'll have to be patient, it may take
me a couple of weeks to dig it out of storage. I will try to find two
step tablets for you to compare. Also, after having examined the film, I
ask that you report your findings back to the alt-photo list. Write to me
off-list with your mailing address.
David Fokos
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