Beakman (
Fri, 28 May 1999 10:37:28 -0700 (PDT)
Many people e-mail me asking for a good source for digital negatives. I
was just in L.A. yesterday visiting with Muse-X (
They can make digital negs for platinum printing using their LightJet
5000. Though I have not seen or tried these negs myself, they should be
very much like continous tone negs -- i.e. the LightJet does not use a
linescreen. Also, I think you'd be able to get by with smaller image
files. You can call them at: 213.874.6141 ask for Dave Luckenbill and
tell him that David Fokos sent you.
Best of luck,
David Fokos
p.s. their website says that they will actually make platinum prints, but
this is a mistake, they don't.
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