Keith Schreiber (
Sat, 29 May 1999 18:58:10 -0700
Nick asks:
> Sorry if this is a rehash, but I've gone thru the archives and can't find
> an easy answer.
> What would people consider an easy to understand primer for
> platinum/palladium printing, with an emphasis on digital negs? I've got
> Burkholder's book, but that doesn't seem to offer much in the way of plat
> info. And is there a source for pre-coated plat/pal paper, as well as pop?
Below is a bibliography of books and articles on platinum-palladium (Pt-Pd)
printing. Apologies to anyone left out.
Dick Arentz's new book "Platinum and Palladium Printing" (Focal Press)
should be available in July.
Also there are some good resources on the web. For starters check out the
websites of John Rudiak <>, David Michael Kennedy
<>, Eric Neilsen
<>, and Jeff Mathias
<>. An article by David Fokos can be
found at the alt-photo FAQ <>.
Arentz, Dick. An Outline for Platinum Palladium Printing. 2nd edition.
Flagstaff, 1990.
Crawford, William. The Keepers of Light. Morgan & Morgan, New York, 1979.
Malde, Pradip and Ware, Mike. A Contemporary Method for Making Photographic
Prints in Platinum & Palladium. 1988.
Nadeau, Luis. History and Practice of Platinum Printing. 3rd revised
edition. Fredericton, 1994.
Pizzighelli, Captain and Hubl, Baron A. Platinotype. Harrison & Sons,
London, 1886.
Rexroth, Nancy. The Platinotype. Violet Press, 1977.
Shillea, Thomas John. Instruction Manual for the Platinum Printing Process.
Sullivan, Richard. Labnotes. Bostick & Sullivan, 1982.
Sullivan, Richard and Weese, Carl. The New Platinum Print. Working Pictures
Press. 1998
Malde, Pradip. New Solutions for Platinum Printers. View Camera,
September/October 1994.
Rudiak, John. The Platinotype. View Camera, January/February 1994.
Rudiak, John. Creating a Platinotype. View Camera, July/August 1994.
Tice, George. Processes: Palladium & Platinum. Modern Photography, March
Ware, Michael J. An Investigation of Platinum and Palladium Printing. The
Journal of Photographic Science, Vol.34, 1986.
Palladio has already been mentioned for pre-coated Pt/Pd material.
Centennial POP can be obtained from Chicago Albumen Works (413-274-6901)
Hope this helps,
Keith Schreiber
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