Re: Platinum printing for beginners!

Nash Computer Technology (
Tue, 01 Jun 1999 09:38:28 +0100

Hi Stephen

I would recommend buying "The New Platinum Print" - details on Bostick & Sullivan's web site at

I recently started using their "Ziatype" printing method for palladium/platinum printing, and have been using my 5x4" negatives. The only downside is that I haven't found a good source in the UK for all the chemicals, so a lot of the stuff I bought from the USA. You will need the chemicals, a paper-coating rod, a contact printing frame, and an Ultra-Violet light source. The great thing about Ziatype is that you can inspect the print during exposure.

The book I mentioned also has a chapter on making digital negatives suitable for platinum printing, and details on using Pyro developer in a Jobo processor. I had never taken a B&W photograph before starting out with this book, so it certainly gets my recommendation.

Best regards

David Nash

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