Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:48:56 -0700
I just bought 6 48" Phillips F40BL tubes for $16 each on special order
through a local Ace Hardware. The 6 tubes filled the box they came in, so I
assume that is a case. So maybe a case is not 12 bulbs.
I tried asking Home Depot if they could special order some and the guy on
the phone sounded like he had never heard of something like that, special
ordering that is. Nothing like small store service.
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Schreiber <jkschreiber@worldnet.att.net>
To: alt-photo-process-l@skyway.usask.ca
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: Another source for bulbs
>A case is 12 bulbs isn't it? One of my units uses 10 and the other one 8,
>but I'm soon going to redesign that one for 10 or 12. If you don't need
>many bulbs maybe find someone to split a case with.
>When I built my smaller unit about 6 years ago, the 24 inch F20T12/AQA
>cost $17.50 each. The 48 inch F40T12/AQA bulbs that I bought a month ago
>cost $15 each. That is about the same as the BLs that I got at Home Depot
>about 4 years ago (which they no longer stock BTW).
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Judy Seigel <jseigel@panix.com>
>To: <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 10:15 AM
>Subject: Re: Another source for bulbs
>> On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Sil Horwitz wrote:
>> > At 1999/06/15 12:15 AM -0700, Keith Schreiber wrote:
>> > >Recently I decided to replace the BL bulbs in my 4ft (16x48") UV
>> > >unit with AQA bulbs like those in my 2ft (21x24") unit. <cut>
>> > >the manufacturer, Voltarc, who refered me to Candela Corp
>> > >Santa Ana, CA or 800-922-9226 in Norcross, GA). Two days later they
>were on
>> > >my doorstep.
>> >
>> > How did you get them to do it? The advised me they are wholesalers, and
>> > only resellers!
>> >
>> > Sil Horwitz, FPSA
>> You practically took the words out of my mouth, Sil. As a matter of fact
>> Bulbtronics would only sell a case (or so they claimed when I wanted
>> some), and even then, as I recall weren't cheap. My other question to
>> Keith was going to be, how much did they cost?
>> cheers,
>> Judy
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