ken (
Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:29:38 -0600
I thought it may be helpful to describe how fluorescent bulbs work / emit
light. Basically there is a mercury vapor arc that travels the length of the
tube. Some one could look up what the spectrum of this arc is if interested.
Phosphors are selected that absorb and re emit a different wave length of
light. These are then coated on the inside of the tube. This allows for
different colors or a "broad spectrum" lamp. There has been a comment on
other lamps / newer technologies but , in general, the newer light sources
seem to be very narrow in their spectral emission... for instance the high
pressure sodium for street light that give off a wonderful orange color
For a price (or quantity) bulb makers will tailor the spectral emission /
balance to what ever you may want. If some one does know where the peaks of
sensitivity are in the emulsion of their choice it may be possible to target
that spectrum. Or is this straining at gnats?
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