Judy Seigel (jseigel@panix.com)
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 01:10:38 -0400 (EDT)
The Spring Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art arrived last week.
(So sometimes reality intervenes and the most *superior* publications are
"late.") I put the info on the photohistory list, but it occurred to me it
would be of interest to alt-photographers as well... I haven't seen the
show yet, tho just the Bulletin is *highly recommended.*
In fact, whoever can't pop up (or down) to the Met to see the collection
can have the Bulletin by calling MMA mail order, 718/326-7050 -- $8.95
plus mailing.
The reproductions are especially beautiful and the text (by Malcolm
Daniel, if the cryptic line on the inner cover means what it seems to
mean) is equally fine -- full of (to me) further details and illustrations
of the oft-told tales of photography's infancy.
It also provides a nice addition to the quotation collection. (If I'd had
it, I'd have used it in "Violating the Medium...") The Photographic
Journal is reviewing Julia Margaret Cameron's submissions to the annual
exhibition of the Photographic Society of Scotland, 1865:
"Mrs. Cameron exhibits her series of out-of-focus portraits of
celebrities. We must give this lady credit for daring originality, but at
the expense of all other photographic qualities. A true artist would
employ all the resources at his disposal, in whatever branch of art he
might practise. In these pictures, all that is good in photography has
been neglected and the shortcomings of the art are prominently exhibited.
We are sorry to have to speak thus severely on the works of a lady, but we
feel compelled to do so in the interest of the art."
The Rubel Collection includes some amazing Camerons, as well as Fox
Talbots and other early icons, some of them "never trimmed,
mounted or distributed and in rare prime condition."
"Thirty-seven of these treasures will be exhibited in the Museum's Howard
Gilman Gallery.... through Sept 19."
| Judy Seigel, Editor >
| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
| info@post-factory.org >
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