Jeffrey D. Mathias (
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 12:36:52 -0400
DAVID duBUSC wrote:
> Edward Meyers wrote:
> > ...Have you tried using one of the Heliopan power-line filters? Ed
> >
> ...
> This filter has been a boon to my work for both the Sierra Club and the
> utilitiy companies.
> Regards from the wire-free field,
Yes, I would expect the Sierra Club to hide it's head in the sand, and
pretend today's problems don't exist, and imagine everything's just
peachy dandy. The long established environmental groups are more
interested in membership and pushing their party line. It's the
smaller, local environmental groups that are really working to protect
our environment and deserve our support.
One thing I've always admired about photography is it's ability to be
objective. Note the word ability which depends on the photographer and
limitations of chosen materials and equipment. And, that power line
does have a story to tell. As a photographer, I like to keep my eyes
and mind open.
BUT, to the original point which does not concern the removal of power
lines as this could be done more effectively through digital technique.
But rather the point that to truly achieve sharpness and detail in the
print (Pt/Pd in this case), the negative must have some grain. And not
all grain will produce the "best" results; it must have the "right"
grain. I will also go as far to say that, aside from the sharpness and
detail, it is highly suspected that tonal quality and tonal definition
are also superior with the proper grain.
So why am I so interested in nuances of tonal quality. Because that is
what a Pt/Pd print does, deliver great tonal quality and separation. I
have not done any controlled comparisons of film and the Pt/Pd print
other than the tech-pan / tri-X thing. I have always gotten great
results using Tri-X and HC-110 which is why I haven't wondered off
looking for other film/developer combinations.
A question now is has anyone done some controlled comparisons of
film/developer combinations and the resulting quality of Pt/Pd
And following that, has anyone of the digitally minded examined the
affects on quality of a Pt/Pd print due to grain structure in the
negative (something that I imagine could be simulated digitally.)?????
-- Jeffrey D. Mathias
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