
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 14:11:05 -0400 (EDT)

My experience with developer/film combos for Pt/Pd confirms your choice of
HC110. As I do this commercially, I needed to find something that produced
consistent results that would work over a wide range of subjects and
photographers. HC110 dilution B gives me that. The other developers I tested
were PMK and D-76.
PMK, although great for tonal rendition, gave me obscenely long print
exposures so I nixed that one. D-76 built up highlight density too quickly.
I found that HC110 was a "kinder/gentler" developer with a very good tonal
scale that did not build up the highlights so quickly. I use a Jobo for my
film processing and Tri-X and Plus-X were the tested films. Whenever I shoot
8x10 for Pt/Pd I use Tri-X, Plus-X, or HP5. Tri-X seems to give the best
results but I'll work with whatever film stock I have on hand.
Funny you should mention the Sierra Club as they just called me to ask
Senator Durban to vote in favor of the Clean Car Act and patched me through
to his office at no charge. I think these groups hearts are in the right
place and whichever one we choose to support is better than none at all.
Your point on retouching of their photos is well taken, though!


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