Richard Sullivan (
Sat, 17 Jul 1999 12:53:33 -0600
I've posted two more pages of pics of APIS 99.
This seems to be very popular at the moment as we have had 101 visitors to
the APIS picture conference on the Alt-photo Circle since Friday afternoon
-- even with some down time Friday night.
Just a reminder: You can have any new postings e-mailed to you. You do this
by setting the type of e-mail (straight, digest or zipped digest)in your
profile and going to "more" -- "e-mail notify" and selecting which
conferences you want.
I can also set up a chat board in the Circle. I've never done any "chat"
things before. Does anyone think this would be a good idea????
--Dick Sullivan
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857
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