Gary Miller (
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 20:57:20 -0700
As with any film you shoot I would recommend doing some tests. But, I have
shot Delta 3200-120 format at EI 3200 and then processed in D76 (straight)
for 13 ins at 20C (68F), Ilfords recommended for EI of 6400. So like I said
I would test it out. I am developing in a Jobo tank on a Beseler motorbase
with reversing agitation. But I have found that Ilford's time for hand
development correlate very closely to those that I need when using the Jobo.
I am planning to experiment with HC-110 developer next, so I will let you
Gary Miller
----- Original Message -----
From: Hamish Stewart <>
To: ART & CRAFT Photo list <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 4:21 PM
Subject: Ilford 3200
> Okay,
> hope this is not too off topic, but I want to experiment with Ilford 3200
> for making gum prints. Anyone have the ideal time dev temp combination
> that they love. I have a friend bringing some from the UK. Haven't seen
> it in paris yet...
> Any comments much appreciated...
> Cheers
> hamish
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