Re: something else???

Katharine Thayer (
Sun, 25 Jul 1999 09:08:46 +0000

Cor Breukel wrote:
> > photography thesedays in UK. Certainly with the recent child protection
> > act, (its now illegal to photograph your own newborn baby naked!!!!)
> most be joking..I hope..if noy than it is a good thing I live in
> Holand than, just finished an icon-like albumen print of my wife and our 4
> months old son, both bare..
> Cor

I don't know the implications of the new child protection laws in the US
for professional photographers, but I did hear a story on the radio last
week about a proud pair of parents who sent their fairly innocent snaps
of mother breast-feeding newborn child to WalMart for processing, and a
few days later were astonished to have their prints hand-delivered to
them by police, to whom WalMart had sent the images for possible
prosecution. Luckily for the couple, the police decided not to pursue
the matter.


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