Nick Makris (
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 11:20:33 -0700
In my last post I suggested a book entitled "Real World Scanning and Halftones" which is great. In reflecting on why I purchased that particular book, it occurred that it was due to the thrust of Dan Burkholder's book "Making Digital Negatives for Contact Printing" which is making output for an imagesetter. I felt I needed more info.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing - it's just that I want to use a printer instead (at least for for a while). It has occurred to me in the meantime that much of what Dan has written about outputting to an imagesetter is applicable to many of today's hi-res printers - I just didn't get it.
So, in looking further in Dan's book for solutions to my unanswered questions, I stumbled upon relevant information (similar to the formula info in my last post) in one of the seemingly irrelevant Appendices (C to be exact - Types of Imagesetter negatives). Having overlooked this previously, I would recommend reading (for those who have the book) this section with the idea in mind that much of it applies to output to your printer.
Dan would you mind commenting on this relevance???
Many Thanks,
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