Re: Waxed platinum print

From: Judy Seigel (
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 01:17:37 /etc/localtime

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999 wrote:

> What about Renaissance wax. I won't argue about Platinum and other alt
> processes where the emulsion is "in the paper." But with regular fiber or RC
> prints, nothing ever looks as magical as when the print is still wet. I
> think this area is vastly under-examined and discussed. I would love some
> kind of archival after-treatment that makes a photograph look as it does when
> covered by a sheet of water.

I have fantasized about an exhibit entirely underwater -- having almost
never seen a gum print looks as good dry as it does wet. (In my opinion
the loss with gum is usually greater than for SG.) Demachy claimed he'd
found a varnish that did this, but I could not -- nobody even knew the
name... I suspect some kind of shellac.


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