RE: J.Dugdale revisited

From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: Sun Dec 05 1999 - 03:17:23 /etc/localtime

If it is the book called Lengthening Shadows before Nightfall it is a nice enough book, all of John Dugdale's cyanotype images: a lot of nude males and some images of dishes and family and an overall theme of, it seems, loss or death perhaps? They are printed on cream colored stock paper. I am sure that in person the cyanotypes are much more powerful, as is usually the case with books of photography. This one was produced in 95, so I am pretty sure, unless he prints lots of books, that it is the one of which you speak. .

Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: J.Dugdale revisited

Hi Garimo,
Sorry, I'm not familiar with it.


garimo wrote:
> Hi Judy,
> I was forwarding the URL for the Wessel & O'Conner Gallery to some of
> the students of the alt. class at UCSC and today I noticed the gallery
> is offering copies of a book by J.Dugdale. I wonder if you know of the
> book and can discribe it. Should I send 'em my $50 bucks? The gallery
> offers no information about the book except the name and that it was
> published(?) in '95...
> thanks,
> Garimo

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