Re: Glass for UV exposure frames?

From: Jacques Augustowski (
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 04:02:24 /etc/localtime

Acrylics starts transmitting at about 380 nm and goes on linearly up to 700 nm. If you
want I give give the reference.

"Jeffrey D. Mathias" wrote:

> Jacques Augustowski wrote:
> >
> > Well, if you are careful not to scratch use acrylic or Plexiglas. They transmit UV
> > better than glass. Even if you have some minor scratches polishing will take care.
> As far as I am aware, acrylic is excellent at blocking UV. Plexiglas
> will block and absorb UV and turn yellow (and darken). I am not aware
> of the type of Plexiglas (if that is what it is) that Judy mentions.
> There are however some plastics that do transmit some UV.
> --
> Jeffrey D. Mathias

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