On Wed, 8 Dec 1999, Richard Morris wrote:
> Seeing the correspondence about UV filters I have been asked by one of my
> students if there is a filter that lets though only UV light?
Maybe you got a response to this offlist... & already know the answer. I
meant to mention & forgot til I got to cleaning up the mailbox -- there is
glass that lets through light at specific nms of UV. For instance I have a
gizmo that is used in industry to read certain data at what they call "low
UV." It's deep red, and DOES not let through enough light of any kind to
burn gum prints, which was what someone gave it to me for after it didn't
do what he got it for either...
But the literature (which is probably somewhere still on this astral
plane) mentions OTHER types of gizmos that emit even *lower* UV, all this
of course not good for your eyes (I used goggles when it wasn't exposing
my prints). So something on that order does exist. If you think it's
worth pursuing, I'll see if I can find the instrument & tell you at least
the manufacturer's name...
| Judy Seigel, Editor >
| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
| info@post-factory.org >
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