Re: Dissolving selenium powder in Sodium Sulfite

From: Cor Breukel (
Date: Wed Dec 15 1999 - 11:27:43 /etc/localtime

> Hi
> I came across an old thread in Alt Photo on a DIY selenium toner (Kodak
> T55) which calls for dissolving 6 grams of Selenium powder in a boiling
> solution containing 150g of Sodium Sulphite.
> Has anyone actually tried this?

..yes, I did, but I hope that you are aware of the safety hazards of
selenium, you should take good safety precautions, preferable use a fume
hood and laboratory equipment..

> I CAN'T seem to get the selenium dissolved at all.

..I recall that you boil it, and most if not all of the selenium soluted,
some was still on the bottom, and I filtered it off (DISPOSE THIS

This formula does not call for fixer as the Kodak is. One disadvantage of
this solution is that it is't stable when diluted, otherwise it works

> Any tips anyone?
> Thanks
> Tan

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