Re: Darkroom Innovations?/Badley Chemicals?

From: Campos & Davis Photos (
Date: Sun Dec 19 1999 - 21:41:07 /etc/localtime

This could be your ISP or you modem rather than your software. The software
is usually reliable thesedays, however I've been trying out various ISP free
connections and the speed varies but not according to the bps meter. I
think some servers are much faster than others, so maybe it is worth paying.
What speed do you connect at in the USA? We connect at max 56kb pre sec in
UK but that comes down to about 48kbs because of the loss in phone line
copper wire quality and two way traffic on the line.

Campos & Davis Photos
6 Cranbourne Road
London N10 2BT - UK
Tel: + 44 181 883 8638
Fax: +44 208883 8638

----- Original Message -----
From: Judy Seigel <>
To: <>
Sent: 19 December 1999 01:18
Subject: Re: Darkroom Innovations?/Badley Chemicals?

> On Sat, 18 Dec 1999, Don Bryant wrote:
> > A simple Web search of "darkroom innovations" reveals their Web address.
> > you look at that URL you will see a new phone number listed.
> >
> > As a matter of fact here is the contact information listed.
> >
> > You can reach us Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm Mountain
> > Time at (480) 767-7105 or fax us at (480) 767-7106.
> >
> > Darkroom Innovations, Inc.
> > PO Box 19450
> > Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269-9450 USA
> >
> >
> Don, Blessings on you, Sil and Dave........ I hate it when people send a
> general thank you to "the list," but things seem slow today, so hope I am
> excused.
> As for "a *simple* web search" -- frankly I never thought of it, probably
> because from where I sit there is no such thing. Just getting onto the web
> is a proposition.
> Part of the problem is, I think, my so-called software, known around here
> as Netscape EX-Communicator because it channels all your diabolical
> impulses into one place. As I've probably mentioned, I do regular e-mail
> with Z-term to Pine, which is heavenly.
> When P-F is at the printer & I have freed up some brain cells, perhaps
> someone will recommend (offlist) some reasonably logical, intuitive, well
> planned software that isn't too cute & "helpful" (like putting everything
> on a thread in one line so you can't access individual messages), ie. less
> diabolical than the one I have.(Eurodora Lite was worse.) For the Mac.
> Assuming such exists. I don't want to do tricks, or HTML, or databases. I
> just want to find Darkroom Innovations & like that.
> Meanwhile, most grateful thanks again...
> Judy

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