RE: Mordancage: a question

From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 21:22:20 /etc/localtime

"virage" is toning, in ref to photography. I did not keep the original note so I'm not sure how report was used but in photog it is transfer, papier a report is transfer paper.

From: Hamish Stewart[]
Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 10:50 AM
To:; Alt-photo-process
Subject: Re: Mordancage: a question

>Subject: Re: Mordancage: a question
>Sent: 23/12/19 12:33
>Received: 20/12/99 17:15
>From: Joao Ribeiro,
>To: Alt-photo-process,
>Hi Dean,
>> We know what "mordancage" is.
>> What is "virages"? How do you do it?
>I guess "virage" is the same of toning.Since you have put it, I was reading a
>book on Demachy and I don't know what "epreuve pigmentaire" really is.
>I assumed that "encre grasse" is oil printing, "le report" is oil
>transfer, is
>it right?
>Thanks for the answers

I suspect that you are right - a direct translation of virages is
bending, so I suspect that this refers to the changing of the properties
of the original print. As in the text the two processes are related this
would seem to make sense.

As to the other questions - encre grasse is lnking with fat if you like,
or Oil printing, epreuve pigmentaire is pigment print. Le Report, is I
think just a postponement.

Hope this helps


Hamish Stewart - Gum Bichromate Photographer

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