RE: Jean-Pierre Sudre Crystalline images

From: Moulay El Ouazzani (
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 04:03:56 /etc/localtime

Hi everybody,

About Jean-Pierre Sudre I would like to point out to an exhibition on the
virtual gallery of Bernard Dudoignon:

I had a long video interview with Claudine and JP Sudre in 92 at the SFP
rue Montalambert in Paris.
This was part of 60 hours of video about photography all over France in 92/93

If it's of some interest !

I was going to put on my page several prints by Pierre-Louis Martin, a
series of "photogrammes" in mordançage process, just in time when the list
was discussing this topic, so I apologise to Pierre-Louis Martin and to
everybody for this offence, it was involuntary.

u can find a print by PL-Martin on mordançage, I promise I will put some
more before the next century:

For this end of the year, I would like to share with everybody a greetings
photo postcard I got from JP-Sudre:

I have got lot to say but just leave to another day, I have been in the
list for three years now, I like the way it works...most of the time.

Moulay El Ouazzani
Messagerie ( Tel & Fax )
0170987169 - Paris

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